Report Details

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Vehicles and Service

Vehicle List

The Vehicle List report displays a list of all vehicles in the database.


Vehicle by Type

The Vehicle List report displays a list of all vehicles grouped by Type.


Vehicle by Department

The Vehicle List report displays a list of all vehicles grouped by Department.



Service and Expense Summary

The Service and Expense Summary report displays a list of all service and expenses for each vehicle. When you click on the link to open the report, a date filter dialog box will open to allow you to filter the report by date.


Service and Expense Detail

The Service and Expense History report displays a list of all service and expenses for each vehicle with a line item break down for the expenses. When you click on the link to open the report, a date filter dialog box will open to allow you to filter the report by date.


Service Reminders

The Service Reminders report displays a complete list of upcoming service reminders for all vehicles.


Service Schedules

The Service Schedules report displays a complete list of service that has been scheduled for all vehicles. This report includes the "Last Completed" date and odometer reading as well as the "Next Due" date and odometer reading.


Parts and Vendors

Parts List

The Parts List report displays all parts in the master parts list.


Vendor Addresses

The Vendor Addresses report displays a list of the vendor addresses from the Vendors section.


Vendor Contacts

The Vendor Contacts report displays a list of Contacts at each of your vendors. This report may be printed out for quick reference.


Fuel Log

Fuel Log Detail Report

The Fuel Log Details report contains a list of all fill-ups within the selected date range. The fuel efficiency is displayed for each fill-up as well as an average for the range of the report.


Fuel Log Summary By Vehicle

The Fuel Log Summary report displays the sum of all Fill-ups, Distance, Volume of fuel, Cost, and Average Fuel Efficiency for each vehicle for the selected date range.


Fuel Log Summary By State/Province

The Fuel Log Summary By State/Province groups the fuel log summary by the state or province where the fill-up took place.



License and Insurance

The License and Insurance report displays the insurance details including the license renewal and insurance due date for each vehicle.


Vehicle Usage Summary

The Vehicle Usage Summary report displays a break-down of Business Miles/Kilometers versus Personal Miles/Kilometers for each vehicle.


Personnel List

The Personnel List report displays a complete list of Personnel in the database.