Firebird Database Server

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Note: the remote database features described in this section are for the Enterprise Edition only. The Standard Edition not have the remote database feature available.


Network Setup Overview

When you install the Asset Manager client software on your computer, an embedded database is installed by default to allow you to try out the software without further configuration. However, when you're ready to share the software on a network with multiple users, you need to install a shared database on a server. Any Windows computer may act as the database server, as long as it is accessible from all of the computers which need to access the shared database. You also want to make sure the computer is able to run without interruption to avoid any potential for database corruption which might occur if the computer is restarted while users are connecting to and using the database.


There are three basic configurations to choose from. Click on a diagram below to view full size:


Single Office: Standard Client Server Configuration

Single Office: Standard Client Server Configuration

Single Office: Shared Database on PC (No Server) Configuration

Single Office: Shared Database on PC (No Server) Configuration

Multiple Offices: Terminal Server Configuration

Multiple Offices: Terminal Server Configuration


Configuration Instructions

Each of the configurations require three basic steps:


1.Install the client software on the computers which will run Asset Manager.
2.Install the database server software on a shared Windows server.
3.Connect the client computers to the database server.


You may watch a 3 minute instructional video, or follow the steps below:



Step 1: Install the client software

The client software is the program that users interact with to enter and update Asset records. If you have used the trial version of Asset Manager, then you have already installed at least one copy of this software. This software is available to download at the following link:


Note that in order to connect to a shared database server, you must install the Asset Manager Enterprise Edition. All editions of Asset Manager start in single user stand-alone mode by default. The Enterprise Edition can also connect to a remote central database server.


Step 2: Install the database server software

The database server software is very easy to install in the default configuration. To install in the default configuration, follow these steps:


Log on to your server and download the setup program from:
Note that this is a different setup program than the one installed on the client computers.
Run the setup program, and accept all defaults.
This program will install a Firebird Database Server and a Asset Manager database.


If you are using the Windows Firewall, configure it to allow Inbound TCP connections on Port 3050 as described below:


For Windows Server 2008, and later (2012, 2016, 2019):

1.Open the Windows Firewall With Advanced Security: Start --> Search --> enter "firewall", and select the program "Windows Firewall With Advanced Security".
2.Select "Inbound Rules" in the left pane.
3.Click "New Rule" in the Actions pane on the right, and create a rule with the following settings:
Rule Type: Port
Protocol: TCP
Specific Port: 3050
Action: Allow the connection.
Profile: As required.
Name: Firebird


For Windows Server 2003 and 2000:

1.Open the Windows Firewall dialog: Start --> Run --> enter "firewall.cpl", and then click the Ok button.
2.Go to the Exceptions tab, and then click the Add Port button.
3.Enter a name such as "Firebird Database", and then enter the port number 3050, and click Ok.



Step 3: Connect the client computers to the shared database

After installing the database server, connect your client computer(s) to the shared database server by following these steps:


1.Open Asset Manager on one of the client computers which it is installed on.
2.Select the menu option Tools --> Database Connection (Note: if you don't see this option, you need to install the "Enterprise Edition" with multiple user network support from:
3.Enter the name of the database server in the connection dialog box (if you don't know the name of the server, log on to the server and right-click "My Computer", choose "Properties", and then select the "Computer Name" tab.)  Note that you only need to enter the name of the database server - you do not need to enter a file path when connecting to a remote database server. The file path is only required when connecting to a local database file.
4.Click Ok
5.Close and then reopen Asset Manager. You're now connected to the shared database server.


Note: If you cannot connect to the database server, please see the following section: Troubleshooting Connections.


When you're finished configuring the database connection, set up a scheduled task to backup the database daily.


Advanced - Citrix/Terminal Server Configuration:


If you are installing the client on a Windows Terminal Server, please see the Citrix/Terminal Server Configuration Notes.


Advanced - Database File Storage:


If you are a server administrator and would like to change the default location where the Asset Manager database is stored, you may do so by following the instructions below. Asset Manager is designed to run with the standard options "out of the box", and in most cases there is no reason to change the defaults; however, these instructions are provided for server administrators who would like to change the default installation.


1.First stop the Firebird database service.
2.Next copy the database file from C:\KZSoftware\AssetManager.adb to the new location where you would like it to be stored. Note: the new location must be located on a hard drive that is physically connected to the host machine. It cannot be located on a mapped drive, a file system share, or a network file system.
3.Next, open the file C:\Program Files\firebird\aliases.config in notepad and change this line: AssetManager=C:\KZSoftware\AssetManager.adb to reflect the new path to the database file.
4.Finally, restart the Firebird database service.