Maintenance/Repair History

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The Service tab contains a list of the service (maintenance, inspection, or repair) that has been completed for the Home.


Maintenance/Repair Tab

Maintenance/Repair Tab


Click the New Service Entry button to add a new completed service entry, or to schedule service to be performed.
For completed service, fill in the Completed Date on the service entry form.
For Scheduled service, fill in the Next Due date on the service entry form.
Fill in both dates to indicate the service has been completed and to reschedule it for future service.


Maintenance/Repair Entry form

Maintenance/Repair Entry form



Field Name


Date of problem

A date field to track when the problem was first discovered.

Date of repair

A date field to track when the maintenance/repair was completed.

Summary of problem

A text field to provide a short summary of the problem.

Service Summary

A text field to provide a short summary of the service.

Material Cost

A numeric field to track the material cost of the maintenance/repair.

Labor Cost

A numeric field to track the labor cost of the maintenance/repair.


See Also

Warranty and Insurance
File Attachments