Report Details

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Master Data Reports

Personnel List By Group:

This report displays a list of all active personnel in the database grouped by Personnel Group and sorted by Personnel Name.


Personnel List By Job Role:

This report displays a list of all active personnel in the database grouped by Job Role and sorted by Personnel Name.


Training Reports

Training Transcript:

This report displays a list of training records for each person grouped by status (Completed, Enrolled, Cancelled, Failed, No Show).


Completed Training By Course:

This report displays a list of Completed training records grouped by Course.


Completed Training List:

This report displays a list of all Completed training without any grouping.


Required Training By Person:

This report displays a list of all required training grouped first by Person and then by Assignment type. The required training records are those records which meet the criteria set in the Assignments created on the Assignments tab.


Required Training By Course:

This report displays a list of all required training grouped by Course. The required training records are those records which meet the criteria set in the Assignments created on the Assignments tab.


Required Training By Group:

This report displays a list of all required training grouped by Personnel Group. The required training records are those records which meet the criteria set in the Assignments created on the Assignments tab. For each Personnel Group, all Assignment Types (Group, Job Role, Individual) are displayed. This report can be used to identify all of the training needs for all or a specific group.


Required Training By Supervisor:

This report displays a list of all required training grouped by Supervisor. Within each group, all Assignment Types (Group, Job Role, Individual) are displayed. This report can be used to identify all of the training needs for the direct reports for all or a specific supervisor.


Training Assignments By Job Role:

This report displays a list of Training Assignments grouped by Job Role. This report contains only those records for which the Assignment is of type Job Role.


Training Assignments By Group:

This report displays a list of Training Assignments grouped by Personnel Group. This report contains only those records for which the Assignment is of type Group.


Training Costs:

This report displays a list of Training Costs. You can set additional report options for Grouping and Summary/Detail.


Overdue and Upcoming Status:

This report displays a list of required training which is Overdue or Upcoming (about to expire). The date filter below the report selection area is used to set the number of days until expiration to be included on the report.


Class Session List:

This report displays a list of all Class Sessions that meet the criteria set in the date filter.


Class Session Details:

This report displays a list of all Class Sessions and the enrolled students who were in the session. The report is filtered by date.