Fuel Cost Calculator

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The Fuel Cost Calculator allows you to calculate the Total Cost based on (Total Volume) X (Price per unit). This can be used if you have purchased bulk fuel at a specific price per unit, and want to enter the Total Volume only and have the Total Cost calculated for you.


Fuel Cost Calculator

Fuel Cost Calculator


After clicking the calculator button, you may enter a price per unit, or use the default value which appears in the form. If the Total Cost and Total Volume have already been entered, the price per unit will be set to Total Cost divided by Total Volume. Otherwise, a default value will be set as follows:


1.If a previous entry for the selected fuel type has been entered, the price per unit will be set to the most recently used value for that fuel type across all vehicles.
2.Or, if the fuel type has not been selected or there are no other entries for that fuel type, the price per unit will be set to the most recently used value for the currently selected vehicle.